Anti-Ageing and Skin Care

As we grow older, our skin begins to show signs of ageing, which often lead to self-consciousness on behalf of many people. Most of the time, however, the skin is actually ageing prematurely, exhibiting lines and wrinkles, since we are not following an anti-ageing skin care routine that nourishes our skin thoroughly and delays signs of ageing of skin.


Your anti-ageing skin care must include a healthy diet, exercise, thorough cleansing after heavy sweating, avoiding smoking and products that sting, protecting your skin from sun and trauma, and avoiding repetitive facial expressions. Anti-ageing agents that must be part of your skin care routine are SPF, retinol, glycolic acid, and vitamin C.


Here are some tips to incorporate as part of your skin care to delay ageing of your skin:

1)Maintain a well-balanced diet

It is true that a good, healthy diet is good for your skin, whereas consumption of unhealthy foods could harm it. Fruits and vegetables are essentially good for your skin, so you may want to include them as regulars in your diet if you are looking to prevent your skin from ageing. They also hydrate your skin, making it fresher and healthier. Foods that are good for your skin include carrots, apricots, spinach, tomatoes, and berries. Oily foods and sugars, on the other hand, can accelerate ageing and must be avoided to a great extent.

2) Exercise often

A sedentary lifestyle can be harmful for your skin. If you want to maintain the health of your skin and prevent it from ageing, you ought to make exercise a part of your routine. It is recommended to remain active at all times and exercise at least thrice a week.


Exercise helps to supply essential nutrients to the skin by improving blood circulation. This improves the overall health of the skin while also making it appear fresher. Aerobic exercises also help in removing toxins from the skin through sweat. It should be kept in mind that proper care of your skin should be taken aside from exercising.

3) Clean your face thoroughly after heavy sweating

Usually, we sweat regularly through our facial skin during summers or after strenuous work. It does not really have an impact on our skin. Heavy and repeated sweating, however, is a different matter. This can be especially problematic on long, hot summer days.


When we sweat heavily through our face, we lose water as well as urea and minerals such as sodium. The sweat, full of toxins, can be harmful to the skin if it is left as it is. The harm, however, can be eliminated by cleansing your face thoroughly after sweating. This is in addition to the recommended thorough cleansing twice a day.

4) Avoid smoking

In addition to the various harmful and life-threatening effects of nicotine, it can also lead to serious harm to your skin, which can make it age faster. Nicotine causes blood vessels in the outermost layer of skin to narrow. This affects the flow of blood to your skin. Not only does it make your skin appear dull and patchy, it also begins to age faster due to lack of flow of blood. Premature lines and wrinkles may begin to appear on your skin. This is why it is recommended to avoid smoking to take good care of your skin.

5) Avoid skin care products that sting

Possibly the most essential rule when it comes to skin care is finding the product which is right for you. There is no rule of thumb when it comes to skin care, rather you have to pick products which are best suited to your skin type and, more importantly, to your skin. A product which may be very well known and works great for everyone you know may not be right for your skin.


This is why you need to stop using any product which stings or burns your skin. If a product is stinging or burning your skin, it means it is not right for you and is causing irritation. Irritation may lead to your skin looking older and ageing faster.

6) Protect your skin from the sun

In order to prevent your skin from ageing fast, you need to shield it from sunlight as much as you can.


Ultraviolet light in the sun rays can cause damage to your skin over time. The UV rays damage the underlying connective tissue in the skin and causes the skin to develop lines and wrinkles.


For this reason, it is necessary to shield your skin from the sun. This may be with the use of an umbrella, a cap or hat, sunglasses, or cloth. Sunscreen, which is SPF 30 or higher and is water resistant, is also an essential to protect your skin from ageing faster due to sunlight.

7) Protect your skin from trauma

One of the leading causes of lines and wrinkles on the face is minor injuries or traumas to it and since the skin becomes more sensitive and fragile with age, these wrinkles sustain.


The human skin is so sensitive that is can sustain trauma just by rubbing the face against a pillow while sleeping. Other common traumas to the skin include damage by skin care products which are not right for you, sunburns, or any other scrap and bruise.


You can protect your skin from such traumas by staying hydrated, following proper skincare routines, applying the right ointments and medicines to any injuries, and regularly using sunscreen.

8) Avoid repetitive facial expressions

A less common known but nonetheless common cause of lines and wrinkles on the face are repetitive facial expressions.


Humans are creatures of habits. The habits we develop in the early stages of our lives persist over time. Whether it is nervous habits, body language, or even facial expressions, some habits die hard.


The thing about facial expressions is that they contract the underlying muscles. When we repeatedly contract the same muscles time and again over the years, the lines etch in and become permanent.

To incorporate into your skin care

Aside from these regular yet essential skin care tips to keep your skin from ageing fast, here are some essential agents that you need to incorporate into your skin care routine to have an anti-ageing effect on your skin:


Humans are creatures of habits. The habits we develop in the early stages of our lives persist over time. Whether it is nervous habits, body language, or even facial expressions, some habits die hard.


The thing about facial expressions is that they contract the underlying muscles. When we repeatedly contract the same muscles time and again over the years, the lines etch in and become permanent.

1) SPF

An absolute necessity in your skin care routine is a sunscreen or any other product with SPF 30 or above, which you ought to use every time you step out into the sunlight. SPF protects your skin from harmful UV rays from the sunlight, which can cause wrinkles and spots on your skin.

2) Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and it neutralises the free radicals that lead to premature ageing of skin by causing oxidative stress. It also aids in production of collagen, which delays ageing of skin.

3) Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid is often added to anti-ageing skin care products as it deeply penetrates your skin to hydrate, brighten, and tone it.

4) Retinol

Retinol is a Vitamin A based compound most commonly used in anti-ageing products, since it reduces wrinkles by producing collagen and stimulating production of new blood vessels in skin.

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